iOS Version Stats. It Is 50% After 3 Days!
- iOS Version Stats it is 50% after 3 days!
- steganography.js hide information inside images. In JavaScript
- FCModel An alternative to Core Data for people who like having direct SQL access. Still in Alpha version
- Essential iOS 7 Developer’s Guide I spent all weekends to upgrade my application. iOS 7 has a lot of “killer” features.
- PLCrashReporter 1.2-beta1 (and ARM64 Support!) good tool to send debug information from live applications.
- LLDB-QuickLook very nice tool. need to try
- How to start up a Boeing 737
- The Most Forward Thinking Apple Yet Only reason for 64-bit is to enter into game console. Than it make sense.
75 Essential Tools for iOS Developers
- 75 Essential Tools for iOS Developers
- The iOS Design Cheat Sheet
- ReactiveCocoa ReactiveCocoa (RAC) is an Objective-C framework for Functional Reactive Programming. It provides APIs for composing and transforming streams of values.
- IGHTMLQuery IGHTMLQuery is a lightweight XML/HTML parser for iOS, built on top of libxml. It is inspired by jQuery and nokogiri
- WYPopoverController WYPopoverController is for the presentation of content in popover on iPhone / iPad devices. Very customizable.
Google Swaps Out MySQL, Moves to MariaDB
- Creational Design Patterns in Python
- website using dropbox
- OpenEars free speech recognition and voice generator
- ARC vs. MRC Performance nice conversation
- Software Makes 3-D Models From Any Photo want to try on my photos. But it is very promising!
- Controlled Flight of a Biologically-Inspired, Insect-Scale Robot
- The Feynman Lectures on Physics free! online! Read to understand how and why all works
- The Dark Side Of Software Development That No One Talks About
- isYoMamaWearsCombatBootsSupported nice method inside iOS 7 SDK
Open Source Twitter
- Unicode Myths debunked and encodings demystified
- UIAutomation and ClojureScript for people in needs
- Code culture problem I don’t agree with it. People should know when code is bad!
- FMPSD A small collection of classes for reading and writing PSD images from your friends at Flying Meat (and used in Acorn).
- iOS Design Patterns must read!
- Kobold Kit Sprite Kit Game Engine
- Easier merging of Xcode project files this is best idea! Resolving conflicts for project files is always a pain!
- iOS Dev tools
- We just set our salaries by… voting?
- An inside look at Google’s data-driven job interview process
- Kids, don’t believe the startup hype: Why you should join a big company first join big company first so you will appreciate startup environment better!
Google’s Downtime Caused a 40% Drop in Global Traffic
- Android fragmentation is greater than ever, according to new report
- It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World: Scoping in CoffeeScript and JavaScript
- Scraping Web Sites which Dynamically Load Data
- Is your Android emulator just too slow? juts about time. We all need faster android emulator!
- Playdoh Mozilla’s Playdoh is a web application template based on Django.
- How Objective-C Messaging Works deep…
- New thing I do in code some controversial methods to do Objective C
- Push Notifications to Mobile Devices Using Amazon SNS
- In Memoriam: Lavabit Architecture - Creating A Scalable Email Service
- Using Voice to Code Faster than Keyboard this is just supper! Must try!
- iOS App Security and Analysis
- Gradle Android Unit Testing Plugin A Gradle plugin which enables good ‘ol fashioned unit tests for Android builds.
- Quickly navigate your filesystem from the command-line
- Lossy PNG will it be JPEG?
- How Kal Compiles Itself
- Open Source Furniture need to place to try
Overtime Is Morphine
- How Heroku Works good insight
- Google’s Scaled Trunk Based Development
- effect.css Performant CSS transitions & animations
- The Docker Book
- It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World: Scoping in CoffeeScript and JavaScript
- My RabbitMQ setup for notifications need to try
- Stop Writing Data Parsing Code in Your Apps. Good library to not write parsing every time
- Masonry A light-weight layout framework which makes creating iOS AutoLayout NSLayoutConstraints in code chainable, quick and descriptive.
Million Engineers Struggling to Find a Job
- Million Engineers Struggling to Find a Job
- From the principal architect – Skype / NSA - Dave Farber
- Sublime Text 3 Public Beta now everyone can get it.
- Next generation video: Introducing Daala
- How secure is HTTPS today? How often is it attacked?
- What every web developer must know about URL encoding
- Javascript Pivot Table implementation with drag’n’drop
- How I Structure My Flask Applications must read for Python web development
- You Should Be Using Nginx + UWSG I do!
- The Physics Behind Traffic Jams
- Minimally-invasive eye surgery on the horizon as magnetically-guided microbots move toward clinical trials
- Paris Air Show’s Slowest Plane Could Have Biggest Impact
- RAPIRO: The Humanoid Robot Kit for your Raspberry Pi I also backed this project
Time Is Money: How Clash of Clans Earns $500,000 a Day With In-app Purchases
- Why did we build React? I still like this framework
- Top 20 Nginx WebServer Best Security Practices
- App Store description previewer test it before you post it
- Why Rounded Corners are Easier on the Eyes design tips
- Quartz Composer for iOS
- Find uniqueIdentifier Calls in Your iOS App Not in source code. In binaries!
- REVEAL Similar to Google developer tools. But for iOS! Still in beta
NASA Is Funding a 3D Food Printer, and It’ll Start With Pizza
3D vision for smartphones and tablets. JS framework from Facebook. Perl can not be parsed
- fish is a smart and user-friendly command line shell for OS X, Linux, and the rest of the family.
- The SEO Mistake That Wiped Out 80% of My Traffic
- Statistical Formulas For Programmers everything you need to know!
- Dependency Inversion Principle put your mind in proper place
- Git Branching animated explanation how it works. Must see!
- Perl Cannot Be Parsed: A Formal Proof scientific explanation why Perl is bad language. Even parsers have difficulties to read it
- A Visual Explanation of SQL Joins just to keep in mind
- Simple System Monitoring in Django Admin Panel just plug and play
- React JavaScript framework from Facebook. Very good structure to make modular application.
- Facebook’s New React JavaScript Library Tutorial Rewritten in AngularJS author is missing a purpose of ReactJS. there is no modularity in example.
- Building a Hacker News clone in Django good tutorial
- List of probability distributions everyone should know they exist
- PrimeSense demonstrates Capri 3D sensor on Nexus 10 3d vision for mobile devices! Give me 2!
- NASA is funding a 3D food printer, and it’ll start with pizza
The Steve Jobs Emails That Show How to Win a Hard-nosed Negotiation
New way of data visualisation. Design guides for iOS applications. Image animation for iOS.
- Technology Radar the one form ThoughtWorks. MongoDB is to adopt…
- Dart vs Java — the DeltaBlue Benchmark still need to try…
- Starters Guide to iOS Design the bes explanation ever!
- UIImageViewModeScaleAspect nice animation effect for images
- Restoration Classes and UIWebViews restoration is always painful for hybrid applications. May be this is could help?
- State Preservation and Restoration how to make you application from same place it was killed by OS
- Concurrent Debug, Beta and App Store Builds how to organize automation for iOS applications
- Overview of iOS Crash Reporting Tools good collection and explanation
- Drawing Dynamic Visualizations the new/old way of data visualisation. Need some data to try this.
- The Steve Jobs emails that show how to win a hard-nosed negotiation it is always good to read great minds
- Selling Your Software To Businesses
- 10 of the most dangerous pieces of startup advice one of them - “fake it ‘till you make it”