Mike Lynch Saw Autonomy as ‘Trojan Horse to Take Over Hewlett-Packard’
- NIPS stuff links to pappers about Natural Language Processing
- Approaches to Application Release Automation stuff with diagrams
- Don’t Forget the “C” in Objective-C: C Declarations good for deep understanding
- 7 Python Libraries you should know about
- Are You Making the Mistake of Mixing HTML or CSS with JavaScript?
Doing Search Terminal Way
- Facebook makes it official — an external advertising network is coming soon
- Doing search terminal way Need to look for real console application!
- Introduction to Page Visibility API to save CPU and power for mobile devices
- Essential JavaScript: the top five MVC frameworks
- Objective-C ARC Common Pitfalls and Best Practices very good and detailed explanations
- Xcode Source Code Management with Git I still like SourceTree better
- Collaborating with LaTeX and git just one tutorial about git
- iOS automated UI testing it just works!
- 9 vital tools for shoestring startups some of them are really good
Microsoft to Retire Windows Live Messenger in Favor of Skype
- Dropbox-as-a-Database strange idea
- git add -p: The most powerful git feature you’re not using yet this is why I like it!
- Prototype iPhone apps with simple HTML, CSS and JS components. bootstrap for mobiles
- An awesomely simple JSON based RPC library for Python
5 Trends That Are Changing How We Do Big Data
- 5 trends that are changing how we do big data AI is coming…
- iOS Security: Objective-C and nil Pointers
- Fabric. Overview and Tutorial still need to try
- Software Transactional Memory
- Why should I have written ZeroMQ in C, not C++
- You should let it crash don’t hide your problems
- Escape from Callback Hell callbacks are modern GOTO
Wacky Law Makes It Legal to Mess With Your iPhone’s Software, Illegal for the iPad
- How to deploy Meteor on Amazon EC2 node.js + MongoDB
- The top 20 online coding tools
- rvl.io The easiest way to present online
- Sublime Text 2 and Markdown: Tips, Tricks, and Links
- Payola is an HTML5 web application which lets you work with graph data in a completely new way
- 538 Election Forecasting Model in Python
- jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
Oracle Gets Java Running on iOS Devices
- Oracle Gets Java Running on iOS Devices I like it better than using JavaScript everywhere
- The Architecture of Open Source Applications good book
- Simple AI example in JavaScript
- Geb and Sikuli – Adding image recognition to help your functional tests see for Webdriver
- 12 most important uses of social media research just to understand why to do this
Exotic Data Structures
- Exotic Data Structures good reading
- Web mining module for Python now we have everything to write Google
- Sticky header with no jQuery dependency
- Postgres 9.2 highlight: JSON data type now JSON is part of DB
- An elegant Markdown -> PDF/HTML resumé pipeline
Password Manager Without a Password Manager
IE10 Won’t Run Flash Unless Your Site Is on a Microsoft Whitelist!
- IE10 won’t run Flash unless your site is on a Microsoft whitelist! Microsoft just killed Flash
- Zynga stock plummets below value of its cash and real estate
- Court rules book scanning is fair use, suggesting Google Books victory
- lenticular.js library to make 360 view images. See examples
- browserver how make webserver form browser
- Configuring a usable Android emulator instructions how to make it faster
New Sequrity Issues in Flash
- New Sequrity Issues in Flash going to disable it completely on my mac…
- Mysterious Algorithm Was 4% of Trading Activity Last Week
- Programmer Competency Matrix
- Current state of JavaScript it looks like JavaScript is Assembler for browsers