A Yahoo Search Calls Up a Chief From Google
- A Yahoo Search Calls Up a Chief From Google Marissa Mayer went to work for Yahoo
- Facebook announces SPDY Support
- We will have Steam on Linux finally!
- BETA: Veracity 2.0 and onVeracity.com new source code management, build, bug-tracking, wiki system
- Save the Monkey: Reliably Writing to MongoDB
- Some things beginners might not know about Sublime Text
- Three Months with Sublime Text 2 now Sublime is my default editor
- Chrome Experiments: Google Unleashes A World Of Data And Fun In Mobile Browsers
- What is SPDY? very good and easy explanation of the new protocol
- Apple’s iOS 6 beta 3 changes huge list
- Newly released UFO filesfrom the UK government they have not found it
- Hacker Opens High Security Handcuffs With 3D-Printed And Laser-Cut Keys good printer! Give me 2!
- Beware of blind elitism You are not Steve Jobs!
- Ideas are fragile
- Here is why Facebook bought Spool for people who know how to create video service fast
- This Diagram Explains Facebook’s Next $10 Billion Business Adv from Facebook on third-party websites
- QuicklookStephen QLStephen is a QuickLook plugin that lets you view plain text files without a file extension
- The Retina War is upon us
- Click for me, thanks! new fishing through firefox extension